1:1 Coaching

Your Menstrual Cycle is your guide, your base line.  When there is something up with her, there is something that needs investigating because it’s a sign there’s something deeper going on inside. 

Your Menstrual Cycle isn’t healed at the doctors with pills. Or by spending a fortune on supplements or fancy new fitness or diet fads. She is healed by you - in the choices you make in your every day life. 

Through cyclical education, unlearning a lot about what you’ve been told is “healthy” and “good for you”, and stress management support, I will help you build a life strategy that actually supports you and your body. 

I approach working with you intuitively; softening, listening, and trusting.

And with your menstrual cycle as our guide, we will explore how you live your life to understand what action needs taking: your work, your self care, your self connection, your sense of purpose, your stress levels, and your relationship with food, exercise, and with yourself.

We’ll work cyclically and holistically to support whatever is going on for you.

Healing is done in connection, you don’t have to struggle on your own.

  • I came to Laura highly stressed and disconnected, I had physically and mentally ran myself into the ground. My period was missing and my hair was falling out. I hated my job, I felt pretty lost, and was about to freeze my eggs. Over the 3-months of working together. She gently guided me towards a sustainable change that helped me get my mental and physical health to be the best it ever has been. My period is back, my hair has grown back, I quit my job and landed a brand new role, and I decided not to freeze my eggs to start nourishing my fertility instead. But more then that, I say no to things without guilt, I care for myself and my body with love. This is the best money I've spent on my self care journey. I can't recommend working with Laura enough for anyone who wants to connect with their body.

    Orla, Container & Retreat Client

  • This was one of the best decisions I’ve ever made! Laura's support, knowledge and advice has had a fundamental impact on the way I live my life and my connection with my body and cycle - and how I manage to find balance with a very demanding job. When I reached out to Laura I hadn’t had a period for over a year. I felt disconnected from my body, stressed and worried about not having a period, particularly as I want children. After 3 months of working together, my periods came back like magic! She is so personable, warm and friendly - I felt like I was talking to a (very insightful) friend from our very first call. And our calls felt a bit like much needed therapy! I cannot thank Laura enough and so excited to continue working with her in the future.

    Nathalie, Container Client

  • Working with Laura is probably the best gift I've ever given myself. I came to Laura needing to destress and heal my menstrual cycle. She has such an incredible ability to hold a safe and nurturing space that allows you to let go and I learnt so much. It it really opened my eyes to another way of living and helped me re-connect with myself after many years of discontentment. I felt like I was being held accountable in prioritising myself, my health and my cycle. Having someone to remind me to slow down and lean into a more feminine way of living and thinking was invaluable. Thank you for sharing your incredible wisdom - you’ve helped me build up a toolkit of techniques and knowledge to support myself through life’s challenges.

    Holly, Container Client

Coaching Options.

All coaching offers are interactive, collaborative, and educational, with space for questions and personalised coaching. This work is self-care, healing, and expansion for the modern woman who is ready to get to know herself, connect to her cycle, reduce her stress, and live a life of cyclical alignment.


A one-off, bespoke MOT for you and your cycle. This a deep dive into you. It’s been designed to give you an experts eye over whatever is challenging you. Together, we’ll create a tailored plan based on cyclical living, for you to action yourself. We will discuss your lifestyle and menstrual cycle awareness, explore female biohacking, and create accessible goals to address the root of what is causing you pain.

A thorough follow-up with an outline of the strategy, educational resources, and notes will be shared after the session.

A strategy call is a do-it-yourself (DIY) option and suited for you if you want a gentle push in the right direction or have a concern you want support on.

Investment: £175

If you are looking for a longer option, the below are supportive, all-inclusive programs that include a strategy session, bi-weekly coaching calls, and 1:1 body-based practices to support your goals.



Both packs are supported, whole-body, fully inclusive coaching options. They both include everything from a strategy call to kick-off and set out a plan of action, with the bonus of continued support and accountability to ensure you take action. You will receive Whatsapp support for the full program and we’ll meet on bi-weekly calls to support to keep you on track, connected and moving towards a balance, cyclical and holistically supported life. The only difference is the length of time you choose.

A longer coaching program is for you if you’ve been struggling for a while and feeling all out of sorts. If you’re undergoing high stress, are feeling lost and disconnected, your cycle has gone awol, your fertility journey hasn’t been as easy as planned, and you need support in creating an aligned life. It’s perfect if you find it hard to stick to goals and keep up the momentum on your own and need someone to keep you accountable and on track.

Self-Care Tools: Yin Yoga class passes, 1:1 TRE®, and access to The Studio for accessible, self-care and stress management for 6-weeks.

Investment: from £925 (depends on the length of program and the type of support you need)


  • The first ever step of self-compassion I took was to invest in Laura and her wonderful wisdom. After years of ignoring my body’s needs, I took the decision to educate myself about my cycle (or lack of) to support my fertility journey. Laura was so gentle and inspiring with her mentorship and she has become a great friend and confidante. Her knowledge, combined with her holistic and individual approach makes her worth every penny of investment. After 10 years of no natural cycle, including years of IVF, I fell pregnant naturally after getting a natural period and now I have a beautiful baby boy. The physiological benefits speak for themselves, but it is the connection with my body that I hope continues and I am forever grateful to Laura for all she has done to inspire and support me.

    Harriet, Container Client

  • In the year that I’ve known Laura, she has become a very very important person in my life! She is extremely talented in how she puts her message across; mixing spirituality and intuition with genuine knowledge of the body and a practical approach as to how to tune into it best. For those of us who don’t necessarily respond that well to the more ‘woo woo’ approach, Laura’s very down to earth style is really appreciated!! My approach to living in accordance to my cycle, in being kinder to my self and more appreciative of my body and in doing things that truly bring me peace and happiness, has done a full pivot in the year that I’ve begun this work with Laura… and I know this is just the beginning!

    Freya, Container & Retreat Client

  • I hadn’t ever thought about my cycle until I came off the pill, hoping to start a family soon. My menstrual cycle hasn’t come back and I felt so lost. Laura has been invaluable in helping me understand and help to support this. She’s incredibly knowledgeable and SO easy to speak to you wouldn’t believe. It’s like having an expert friend on speed dial (or email). Her Yin and Unwinding classes are brilliant; Laura manages to create (even over Zoom) an incredibly safe space which brings people together. It’s the first time I have properly stopped in years. Thank you!!

    Cynthia, Strategy Client

A woman’s self-care isn’t about being “consistent” with her routines, it’s about honouring her need for consistent variety; the need to mix up her food, movement, work and self-care across her menstrual cycle. This is cyclical living.

Is this you?

~ You feel off and out of balance. Your period is incredibly painful or she’s barely there anymore. You’ve been to the GP’s, spent hours reading and researching and a fortune testing things out, but nothing seems to be making you feel any better or happier.

~ You’re burnt-out, work is a lot, you’re running on adrenaline and your head feels like it may explode with how much is going on in your life. You’re always wired yet always tired. You know you can’t keep living like this, but you aren’t sure how to help yourself because there just too much going on.

~ Your period has vanished or you’ve got a load of menstrual cycle challenges, pain and a disconnection to your body that you’re ready to heal. You feel like something in your life isn’t working for your body, but you’re overwhelmed with all the advice you find online telling you so many different things.

~ You want a baby but it’s not happening. You’ve been wondering how your work life balance, current stress levels, and the physical and emotional toll of TTC might be having an impact on your fertility, so you’re keen understand your body, release stress and take an holistic approach to conceiving.

"Never before in my work have I witnessed so many females in such an intense rush to do everything and be all things to people. Never before have I seen the extent of reproductive system problems that I now see. Women are wired. Many of them are tired. Tired yet wired.... And this is having significant health consequences for many women."

- Dr Libby Weaver

By taking a body-first approach to healing, I’m curious about how you and your body are doing. 

The body is often forgotten about when we are looking to heal. Running on adrenaline, dominated by our egos and living in our minds. Ignoring and suppressing what’s happening inside - our periods, our hormones, our pain, our emotions, with pills so we can keep going. 

But when you can’t say no, your body starts to say no for you. 

It’s here we get sick. Stress is high. We feel disconnected and unsatisfied. Life just doesn’t feel in flow.

But, when life is done with your body, in alignment with her inner cycle, it can feel in flow. You can flourish and you can thrive, with more rest and less stress. 

My Approach

My approach draws from the innate wisdom of the female body and the messages of the menstrual cycle, and uses the philosophies of Traditional Chinese Medicine - where we get to the root cause and heal from the inside out, to help you get results. 

Combining menstrual cycle education, yin yoga, nervous system regulation and TRE - somatic tension and trauma release, I offer a fully holistic and supportive way for you to heal. 

The practices I teach gently remind you that you have a body and that she needs your attention. 

To note. 

It is important to say that I am not a doctor and do not provide medical advice. I do not believe women’s health is healed in the doctor’s surgery. I believe that we heal from within the way we live our lives, through accessible daily action, through how we manage and release stress, and in knowing how to align with our natural cyclical flow. 

I also want to mention that I am not qualified nutritionist. However, I recommend that all my clients complete an extensive blood work panel and have the results read by a qualified women’s health nutritionist. I work alongside Angela Heap for this and the blood analysis can be arranged once we commence. If you are looking for bespoke nutritional support, I can recommend some wonderful humans to you. 

I also believe wholeheartedly in the power of acupuncture for women’s health and fertility, so I also recommend this as a support to you. In three years time you can come to my clinic (I’m still studying!) but, for now, I can help you find someone near to you. 

The answers are inside you. I just help you find them.